
Plascycle – Group 4


Plascycle – Let´s make money out of Trash!

Are you tired of all that junk in public? Bring the rubbish to us and collect points for great offers!

Who we are

We are a group of 6 students from Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Taiwan


  • Lukas Marvin Gesche (developer)
  • Bastian Stehr (designer)
  • Amila Alikdic (scrum master)
  • Elma Hodzic (developer)
  • Chan Zhu-Yuan (designer)
  • Ratna (designer)

Our Empathy Map

What is plascycle?

Plascycle is a system that lets you get rid of plastics, save the earth and get a discount at your favorite grocery store.

The app allows you to recycle and get a certain discount based on the points.

In the app you get coupons that you use at the checkout in the grocery store and get a discount on your purchase.

Just put your rubbish in the machine and fill it in on the app.

Why did you created plascycle?

We all have tons of plastic packaging that we use every day. Why throw plastic in a regular trash can when we can recycle it and get points from it.

Earth is the only planet with continuity of life, so it is becoming increasingly important to create a sense of urgency to save. Our mother earth needs to be saved as our survival depends on it
completely on this planet. It is our responsibility to raise awareness for the salvation of our mother earth.

The earth provides all resources to preserve living beings and inanimate things.
The harmful activities of our planet lead to irreversible damage to the environment, which worsens the condition of this planet.
By taking care of this planet we can improve our well-being as a healthy environment helps improve our quality of life.
It is our shared responsibility to increase public responsibility for the well-being of our mother earth.

That´s why Plascycle wants to recycle the garbage which occurs in nature.

Recycling is one of the most important things people can do.

The App – a quick overview

The Website – a quick overview

The Machine – a quick overview

What can I do with Points?

It depends on what partners are offering. As an example 10% on cucumbers for 120 points or 4 apples for the price of 3 for 80 points.

How can i start?

Download our app (here) today and collect points.

Happy collecting!

Searching for answers? Visit us here

Exchange room: here

Would you like to know how Plascycle works? Yes? Great! Go to our Github repository and explore the opensource source code.

Download file as .tar (needs unzip)

by group 4