The szenario we chose is about inventions for a smarter home in the future to help people in their daily life or to be more energy efficient. Therefore we brainstormed some ideas and got closer to the problem of time management and mental care especially in the morning hours.
The problem:
Sometimes you feel like you don’t have enough time to get ready and check everything in the morning. You are stressed and probably have a bad mood to start the day… Because of the fast pace and high demands of the modern life time became a valuable yet limited resource in our lives. People are constantly under pressure to be efficient and productive, leading to a need for streamlined access to information. We often take a look at our devices to check the news, weather and schedules to be up to date for the day which can be an overflow of information leading to a stressful feeling and a mental unwell-being.
Our target groups:
– people who work a lot
– people who have a stressful life
Our solution:
We aim to simplify morning routines, reduce stress, and improve daily preparedness. Therefore we thought about a way to achieve these goals in a time saving and easy accessible way. A room that everyone uses is the bathroom and in there people always look in the mirror for example when brushing their teeth. So we used these information and created a prototype which is based on a mirror. This mirror is supposed to show the person who is looking at it a few information at one sight. For example the time and the current weather. Additionally we thought about a customization feature where the user can individualy choose what information should be displayed at the mirror. For example their schedule or some important news.
The prototype:
We created a prototype of a smart mirror in the web. As the mirror itself we used the webcam of our device. The weather data is up to date because we send an API request every few seconds for our location. Also the time is the current one which updates every second.
In the future we plan to implement a face recognition to show the data only when somebody specific is looking in the mirror for more indiviuality. Also the user might be able to customize the data which is shown and the positions of it to personalize the own information gathering. Furthermore there needs to be more hardware to actually integrate our functions into a real mirror. For the interaction with the information on the mirror there were some thoughts about movement or voice recognition but this will be discussed in the future development.