Here you find the result presentations of the 2023 International Design Centric Business Model Workshop in Taipei.
Parttaking are over 40 students from ITECH , Hamburg, and MCUT, Taipei.
- DEW2023 - Taipei
HotSnow Case – Group 6 | How HotSnow can expand to new markets
What is HotSnow? HotSnow is a company founded in Oct. 2014 which provides artificial snow for playgr...
Team Infinity ∞ – HotSnow
About HotSnow, HotSnow International Ski Co., Ltd. is a Taiwanese company founded by Ben in October ...
Ruleset for Yukigassen with HotSnow
1 Basic Rules Each team consists of 7 playersEach set lasts 3 minutes; the first team to win 2 sets ...
Formosa Indigo Blue – Team 2

The practice of indigo dyeing in Taiwan dates back hundreds of years and has been passed down throug...
Indigo Dyeing – Team 1

The Indigo Dyeing art in the Sanxia district is dying. As the members of the association get older a...
Yukigassen as a business opportunity for HotSnow® – Team 5
Introduction to the case The company HotSnow® has invented an artificial and eco friendly snow made...
HotSnow Hurler – Team 3
HotSnow Hot Snow is a brand of artificial snow made from a special type of salt. Its fluffy, snow-li...
Case 4: Hacker School – Group 4

Who or what is the Hackerschool The Hacker School is a non-profit educational initiative that aims t...