Information is expanding daily. How to get it out visually is important.
John Maeda
Information is the key to protect yourself
A pandemic is a time when we all must work together to overcome it with as few losses as possible. Since the virus is unpredictable, as is the development of its spread, new regulations are regularly adopted by the government.
It’s our duty to keep ourselves regularly informed of these new regulations so that we can follow them.

The problem
Because the rules are always changing, some people may find it difficult to regularly check for updates. Sometimes people do not realize that there are new regulations and cannot follow them, which could lead to more infections. Especially people who must commute between different states have problems, because the regulations are not uniform, and it can come to differences.
While you can do something in one state, it’s already prohibited in another state. This can cause confusion. In addition, the official websites of the federal states can be unclear and not easy to navigate.
If it’s hard or tedious to get information, it’s also harder to follow it and this is a big problem in a pandemic.
Our solution
Our solution is an app that centralizes all this information. It has sorted and concisely summarized all regulations. In addition, a map with the streets where wearing a mask is mandatory. You can also watch live streams or access older ones and personalize your experience with various settings. Many of the features are also available offline.
For those who do not want to use an app, a simple website is available to access the information as well.

We have never worked with AdobeXD before, so prototyping with it was a whole new experience for us. We were able to implement many of our initial ideas despite the short time.
Click on the loading screen to get to the prototype and try it out!
You will be able to scroll, swipe and click a little to test the basic functions.

You do not want to use the app? No problem! We have created a simple, organized website prototype with WIX, where you can also find all the important information that are also in our app.
Click on the logo to visit our website!

Even though we are not programmers, we still wanted to try a more technical approach.
Click on the icon to see our Git with the code we developed using Android Studio!
Also check out our readme file for more information.
Check out our social media
You are a fan of social media? On Twitter and Instagram you can get regular updates on how Infona is doing. Follow us and be the first to get information about new features and the like!
Our background to this project
Here is a slightly longer presentation with all the information we gathered during the project. Persona, Empathy Map, tools we used, the business side of the project and more. So, if you want to see what we worked out during the Hackathon, this is the right place for you!
Visit us
Find our booth on the market place and talk to us! We will gladly answer your questions.
About us
We are Tobias, Sabrina and David from Group 16. For school projects we mostly use the name TSD Systems, that’s why our social media accounts have “tsd” behind the actual app name. We’ve been working together since we started the apprenticeship and it’s going quite well 🙂