The Problem
Nowadays, there are a lot of elderly people who prefer to live alone. A study done by the PEW Research Center in 2018 reveals that 28% of Europeans over 60 years old are living alone, being the highest rate in any region in the world.

However, as a person ages, their health typically declines. As evidenced by the following statistic:

What can we conclude from this?
- Elderly people eventually require some sort of medical care, especially if they are on some medication.
- However, if they are living alone, in an event of a medical emergency, they will have to call for aid from EMS or some other individual. Which most of the time is not possible.
- Generally, the only services that can help an individual are manual. They would either have to call for help or someone would have to check up on them, which primarly requires a lot of effort and the additional responsibility/availability of a second individual.
Based on The Problem, we want to assist the elderly, particularly those who are living alone, to help them feel safe and protected.
Our Solution
We are providing an automatic service that provides:
- Constant health monitoring
- Providing medical personnel with accurate user health update
- Automatic detecting and reporting of a medical emergency to paramedics and EMS
Our solution, if put into action, would bring the non-stop availablity and supervision needed and would have the ability to prevent deaths from preventable causes (i.e. slow response time, inability to call for help).
As a first step, we created the following mobile app:

Our Mobile App has some features, such as:
- Same login as the web application
- Connection and monitoring of a smartwatch
- See all set appointments with doctors, hospital, etc.
- See all information like medicals and allergies
- Sync with the web application
We also have a server.

Business Aspects
In addition to concentrating on prototype development, we also design the product’s business development components to enable the project to expand.
In the first step, we attempt to map the competencies of our product by performing a SWOT Analysis.

After mapping the product’s competencies, we implement a business development strategy by incorporating it into the Business Model Canvas.

Our vision is to provide safety and protection for the most wise and experienced ones in our lives. The sick and elderly deserve the same opportunities as everyone else without having to constantly think about things such as their poor health. With our services, we wish to provide the care and support and aim to provide them with a more secure way to ensure a worthy, livable life.